2013年11月11日 星期一

[Tools] 德文Email冠詞修正器 der/die/das?


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I don't own the content, all the copyright belongs to original writer/site, I translate it only to make it available to more users who didn't know such great tool yet.

Fed Up With German Articles and Gender? Let This Free Tool Fix Your Emails


german-dictionary by Rafael Peñaloza via flickr (CC)
Many people don’t appreciate the fact that English nouns have no gender until they come upon another language which does. French and Spanish nouns have both masculine and feminine gender, which is bad enough for most learners, but German learners have to put up with yet another one: the neuter.

Admittedly, it’s not as bad as Polish which has 5 genders, or Swahili, which sports a whopping 18 noun classes, but for most of us mere mortals, putting up with der, die, das on a daily basis is frustrating enough.
好啦!這可能沒有波蘭語的5種來得糟糕,或是斯瓦希裡語高達18種的語態來得令人崩潰,但是對於我們這些一般人來說,der, die, das就已經足夠讓我們暈頭轉向了!

For example, it seems obvious that the word Bruder (brother) is masculine whereas Schwester (sister) is feminine. But why — in the name of the three-legged Goat of Grammar! — why is Mädchen (girl) neuter?
舉例來說,Bruder (brother 兄弟)這個字明顯是個陽性字,而Schwester (sister 姊妹)則是陰性字,但是為什麼!為什麼Mädchen (girl 女孩)這個字卻是中性呢?

Before we now venture off into gender studies, I want to remind everyone of the distinction between biological gender and grammatical gender. In English, they share the same term, which makes for a lot of name-calling and holy wars in the name of “gender equality”. In German, the former is called Geschlecht, while the latter is called Genus. While there are some correlations, these are two separate phenomena.
在我們開始進入這個gender studies之前,我想要提醒大家所謂的「生理性別」和「文法性別」的不同。在英文裡面,我們使用同樣的詞來解釋,所以就會出現一大堆的「性別平等」問題。在德文裡,前者稱作Geschlecht,後者稱作Genus,兩者雖有關連但是被視為兩種不同的東西。

Find the Right Articles Without A Dictionary

Recently, I stumbled over an interesting tool called Genusly. It promises to “help you write perfect emails by telling you the genus of the German nouns as you type”, and it’s free. Sounds too good to be true? Here’s how it works:

At the moment Genusly comes as free browser extension for Google Chrome. After installing the extension, Genusly will automatically color your German nouns while writing emails.
Genusly 基本上就是Google Chrome瀏覽器的附加插件,在安裝之後,就會在你寫Mail的時候,自動幫你所打的德文名詞上色。(藍色=陽性;紅色=陰性;黃色中=性)
masculine is blue, feminine magenta, and neuter yellow
So, let’s say you’re writing a short note to a German friend. You don’t want to embarrass yourself by still using the wrong articles after many years of learning German (happens to the best of us) but also you don’t want to look up every single word in a dictionary. Genusly can help:

get Genus hints while you write
get Genus hints and fix your articles while you write

Simple & Free With Room For Improvement

After playing around with this tool for a while it seems that it could be a helpful tool for German learners. Unfortunately, it only works if you’re writing emails in your browser via Gmail, Yahoomail and Outlook.
試用一陣子之後,看起來這的確是個可以幫助德語學習者的好工具,不幸的是它只能用在瀏覽器底下的Email寫作,像是你的Gmail, Yahoo Mail或是Outlook

According to the developers’ website, a downloadable version for Apple Mail and Outlook (desktop) is coming soon, but I think it could also be great to extend this tool’s functionality beyond email writing to Social Media.
根據開發者網站的訊息,可用在Apple Mail跟Outlook(桌上型電腦)的版本將會在近期推出,但是我想如果可以把這個功能延展到社群網站的話,一定更棒!

Many language learners are using Twitter or Facebook these days to engage in practice and discussion, so this tool might come in handy while posting updates or comments.

What do you think? Can you imagine adding this extension to your German learning toolkit? Or is it too limited?



