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2013年9月27日 星期五

[生活雜記] 德國大選-->如何找到和你志同道合的政黨







  • Mindestlohn
  • Betreuungsgeld
  • Tempolimit
  • Euro
  • Strompreis
  • Videoüberwachung
  • Grundeinkommen
  • Ökologische Landwirtschaft
  • Getrennter Schulunterricht
  • Spitzensteuersatz
  • NATO-Austritt
  • Kohlekraft
  • Pille danach
  • Verstaatlichung von Banken
  • Flüchtlingspolitik
  • Lohnersatz bei Pflegezeit
  • Parteienverbot
  • Staatliche Unterstützung von Studierenden
  • Grenzkontrollen
  • Frauenquote
  • Länderfinanzausgleich
  • Rente mit 67
  • Migranten im Staatsdienst
  • Rüstungsexporte
  • Einkommensteuer
  • EU-Beitritt der Türkei
  • Nebeneinkünfte
  • EEG-Umlage
  • Sanktionen beim ALG II
  • Kirchensteuer
  • Bürgerversicherung
  • Eurobonds
  • Adoptionsrechte für Schwule und Lesben
  • Vorratsdatenspeicherung
  • Mietpreisbremse
  • Doppelte Staatsangehörigkeit
  • Pkw-Maut
  • Volksentscheide

2013年9月23日 星期一

APPs I like - Groopic

The people who helps to take photo can't join the group picture.
It was like that but not any more!
Groopic make you "fit in" any group photo you like with all the devices such as smartphone, phablets, and any blah-blah-blets you have!

2013年9月21日 星期六

[英文筆記] Taroko Gorge 太魯閣峽谷

?|HOW 如何向老外介紹太魯閣峽谷之美?
The V-shaped canyon of Taroko is quite rare in the world.  The most beautiful section is between the Tunnel of Nine Turns and Swallow Grotto.  In this section, we can clearly see the river cutting through the mountain range, and the curvature of terrain is the most beautiful fascination with its natural design.



  • 九曲洞 The Tunnel of Nine Turns
  • 燕子口 Swallow Grotto  (Grotto指稱石窟)
  • 山脈 Mountain Range
  • 彎曲 Curvature
  • 地形;地勢 Terrain

[英文筆記] OK繃 Bandage

話說OK 蹦的名稱只有台灣這樣使用,原本的英文可是和O.K. 一點關係都沒有......

OK蹦是由美國嬌生公司(Johnson & Johnson)所推出,係為一種用於保護小傷口的自黏繃帶,註冊商標為Band-Aid(邦迪),據傳為1920年由該公司職員厄爾利·迪克森,為了常常因做家事而受傷的太太而發明。最早在1921年上市。由於邦迪取得極大成功,因此它甚至成為了這一類商品的代名詞。在美國要買OK绷要說買Band-Aid比說Bandage來的通用。


[科技新報]大傷口快速止血夾 iTClamp 首次應用

由 科技新報 於 四, 2013/09/19 - 10:21am 發表許多意外事故中,受傷者因大傷口流血不止,在等待救援或是後送到醫院的途中失血而死,為了要止血,在肢體上方綑緊止血帶,雖然可以保住性命,卻往往最後得犧牲掉那一條手臂或整條腿。

難道不能拿個大夾子把傷口先夾起來就好嗎?菲利普醫師(Dr. Dennis Filips)隨加拿大海軍前往阿富汗前線 3 次以後,苦思這個問題,最後他從女孩子的大髮夾得到靈感,發明了專門夾大傷口的傷口夾 iTClamp,去年,iTClamp 獲得紐約「生命科學與保健創投高峰會」(Life Science and Health Care Ventures Summit)的創新發明獎,並於今年 5 月正式獲得美國 FDA 核准通過。美國以外,加拿大已於去年底核准上市,在歐洲則於 3 月核准上市。


2013年9月20日 星期五

[英文筆記] Pao-an Temple 保安宮

?|HOW 如何向老外介紹保安宮的歷史?
Originally built in the 7th  year of Chienlung(乾隆) in Qing Dynasty (1742 A.D.), the Pao-an Temple won the 2003 UNESCO Asia Pacific Heritage Award for successful restoration. On Mar. 15th on the lunar year, Pao-an Temple held folk art feast activities for celebrating the birthday of its main deity - Emperror Pao-Shen.



UNESCO Asia-Pacific Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation



北市保安宮 獲亞太文化資產獎



[生活雜記] 歐盟預計取消漫遊費-邁向更明確的通訊自由?

之前旅經比利時布魯塞爾,特定去參觀的歐洲議會,在參觀當中,多少了解部分的歐盟政策,最有印象的莫過於他們的交通規劃,再來就是通訊自由了,當時就有聽到關於取消漫遊費用的相關內容,近日更看到新華網對此做出報導,標題為「歐盟計劃取消手機漫遊費 急于建立統一電信市場」。

歐盟計劃取消手機漫遊費 急于建立統一電信市場
2013年09月16日 06:48:03來源: 國際在線
【環球時報駐比利時特派記者劉歌 環球時報記者 魏萊】歐盟委員會主席巴羅佐近日在歐洲議會全體會議上提出,將計劃取消歐盟范圍內的手機漫遊費,這被視為26年來歐洲電信市場最大的改革。根據該計劃,從2014年7月開始,歐盟范圍內漫遊接聽電話將不收取費用;到2016年,所以(應為「所有」)漫遊費都將取消。

2013年9月19日 星期四

[英文筆記] Hakka Stir-Fry 客家小炒

?|HOW 如何向老外介紹客家小炒的特色?

To reflect the hard work and thrifty nature of the Hakka people, most of the Hakka food are preserved. The most famous cuisine is the stir-fry.  The Hakka stir-fry can be kept and eaten for quite a number of days.  The more it is fried, the more delicious it becomes.

5/29 9pm  熱鬧祭典
5/30 10pm人文風光
5/31 10pm美食文化
6/01 10pm熱鬧祭典


2013年9月11日 星期三

[德國旅遊] 科隆近郊 - Wuppertal 懸吊列車


許多人來Wuppertal就是為了搭乘獨特的「單軌懸吊列車」(Wuppertaler Schwebebahn),朋友跟我從科隆出發,開車的路上還經過了HARIBO Solingen,工廠兼直營販賣處就在Wuppertaler Straße上,喜歡小熊軟糖的各位請千萬不要錯過,不喜歡甜食也可以買相關的文具產品或是跟外牆的大熊照個像XD
詳細位址請點:HARIBO Solingen

Wuppertaler Schwebebahn從西元1901年開放至今已100多年了,軌道總長13.3公里,相較其他城市交通網相當迷你,共有20站,2004年車站進行了現代化改建並延伸部分支撐架結構,列車內部的座椅是硬式的,車廂色調偏木頭色調,頗古色古香,該懸吊列車曾數次在電影中入鏡,但更吸引我的是跟小象Toffi相關的這則故事:

"Tuffis" Wuppersprung (Tuffy Wupper jump)
Original Site: http://www.schwebebahn.net/2-ansichten/modelle.htm
其實,現在仍可以在Wuppertal-Vohwinkel站附近的小公園中,找到Toffi木雕小象,有空可以繞過去看看、拍個照,或是在公園放鬆一下 :)
Original Site: http://www.vohwinkel.net/home/2010-04/schwebebahn-betrieb.htm


[1] 1930年更名為Wuppertal,在此之前則稱作Barmen-Elberfeld

[2] Der Zirkusdirektor Althoff wollte am 21.07.1950 in Wuppertal auf eine besondere Art und Weise Werbung für seinen Zirkus machen. Die kleine Elefantendame Tuffi sollte dafür mit der berühmten Schwebebahn eine Fahrt unternehmen. Doch Tuffi hatte angeblich schon nach kurzer Zeit keine Lust mehr und sprang durch die Fenster in die Wupper, aber außer ein paar Schrammen ist dem Elefanten nichts passiert und Wuppertal ist um eine amüsante Geschichte reicher.
The ringmaster Althoff wanted to do a special way advertising for his circus on 21.07.1950 in Wuppertal. So he decided to do this by letting the little lady elephant Tuffi have a ride with the famous cable car . But allegedly Tuffy had not felt like to stay anymore after a short time and jumped through the window into the Wupper, however, except for a few scratches, nothing happens to the elephant and Wuppertal has another amusing story to tell since then.

More news clips? http://www.solingen-internet.de/si-hgw/tuffi.htm

2013年9月10日 星期二

[Scouting] Post Taiwan to the World


"Post Taiwan to the World" project has been kicked-off since June 2013 after knowing I am going to KISC[1] for International Rover Week(IRW)[2].  In the following article I will try to explain how it start and what is it, and last but not least what happened in the end. :)

Start from a scratch

After my first oversea jamboree(2007 WSJ[3]), I started writing letters and sending postcards to my friends I met there, I promise to myself that I want to do more to introduce Taiwan, the beautiful island where I grow up.  However, the number is really limited if I only write to people I know, and post-crossing is not within the option since I don't want to send people who do it only for country collection like having trophies.

When/Why did this happen?

This year I happened to have chance to join 2013 International Rover Week in KISC Switzerland.
According to the bulletin, it's going to invite 45 countries, 90 scouts in total to attend the "90 Jubilee" for the iconic scout centre. 

That is the time I begin to think what could I bring to this event to achieve this goal.
And Nisan Design(尼森設計)[4] helped a lot with this project.
"Post Taiwan to the World" is their slogan and vision. Nisan is a Taiwan based Design studio specialize in producing Taiwan Featured Postcards, their famous collection includes "Learning Chinese Characters", "Ancient Map of the island".

I wrote to them to explain the event I would like to go and ask if I could use their products to promote Taiwan.  And they accepted the proposal. What's better? I received the postcards they sponsored at the next working day! 
(The collection here are all featured Taiwan Nature Scenery, endemic species, folk rituals, etc.)
Take a glance at those beautiful postcards.
Further more, click here

What is it exactly?

With all these postcards, people can read the introductions of each amazing photos and choose one they like, write to themselves, and give it back to me.  After collecting all these cards, I will bring them back to Taiwan and post them! You will have your event memory, images of Taiwan all together after a few weeks.  

It was designed for participants of IRW, who are all above 18, capable to understand the rules in English and put down their full address on it.  However, with some assistance of other guides or venture scouts, I decided to expanded to all the people at the venue for international night.  Some of kids have written their first postcard in their lives to themselves, even for parents.  Some staffs(Pinkies) at KISC are happy to have chance to write themselves a postcard to hometown.

How far did it go?

142 Cards, 25 Countries
I brought 160 postcards with me, traveled back with 142.  Some people decided to collect it at the spot instead standing the risk of losing it during the posting.  I stamped them and posted them all  on 26 Aug 2013, to 25 different places around the world.
Maybe you could find your countries here(Put in alphabetical order):
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Canada
  • Costa Rica
  • Cyprus
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Ghana
  • Great Britain
  • Hong Kong 
  • Ireland
  • Japan 
  • Kiribati
  • Madagascar
  • Netherlands
  • Papua New Guinea 
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Serbia
  • Spain
  • South Africa
  • Switzerland
  • USA 


To be honest, I don't know.  Most of people I sent don't have my contacts.  I can only cross my fingers to hope all the postcards go back to their owner. Maybe I will never know whether all cards have reached their destinations.  However, the more important thing is that the cards are not about me but themselves.  The content was written by themselves in their own languages.

A few receivers are my pals met in IRW. Today (10 Sep 2013) they told me they received the postcards! :)
They love it and this is what I want from the very first place, I want people be happy, smiling and looking at the postcard with lovely memories about this summer.

Who knows, maybe I will launch the project next time.  And you can do the same. :)
As a scout, I'm possible for everything I want to achieve, right?
People are picking and writing their own postcards

If you are the first 90 lucky ones can have a TW badge as well.

Right before I post them!

[1] KISC:
Kandersteg International Scout Centre is a World Centre of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement (WOSM). The Centre began in 1923 with Lord Baden-Powell, who, after the first World Scout Jamboree, had a dream about a place where all Scouts from all over the world could meet. His dream came true and now YOU have the opportunity to visit Kandersteg International Scout Centre and live YOUR Dream! Check it here!

[2] International Rover Week: 

This long tradition started with Alpine Weeks for Rovers in the 1930s and was rekindled in 2011 with our first International Rover Week. Since then, we hosted a total of four International Rover Weeks, both in Summer and Winter, and this year, in 2013, we are looking forward to the biggest one yet: 
Our International Rover Week for KISC's 90th anniversary! For this occasion we're inviting 90 Rovers from 45 different countries to the Swiss Alps for a week of adventures, exchanges and friendship!

[3] 2007 WSJ:
This stands for 2007 World Scout Jamboree in UK.

[4] Nisan Design(尼森設計)
Check out more amazing designs, click here!

2013年9月4日 星期三

[交換雜記] 德國手機預付卡

德國的手機預付卡也是有很多品牌,以下僅就我個人喜歡的Aldi Talk做分享,使用原因如下:
  • 購買方便:
    Aldi Süd(超市)就買的到,不需要和店員解釋太多,就直接到櫃檯說你要買Aldi Talk就好,新手包12.99€
  • 加值相對容易:
  • 隨時免費查餘額:
  • 方案多元:
  • 網路也通:
  • 開卡/維持容易:
  • 順利開卡之後,可能還是要等一陣子(我聽過最久就是一天)可以開始通話,但其他家也會有延滯時間
  • 詢問德國人的意見是說Aldi Talk的收訊普普通通,可能會有訊號更好的電信公司,不過我自己用起來覺得十分正常(反正我也沒有要在高鐵上或是深山打電話)

2013年9月3日 星期二

[生活] My Twinings Collection

其實我對各式各樣的早餐茶、伯爵茶沒有強烈的執著,只是自從試了Fruit Infusions之後,就有種上癮、入迷的感覺,因為混合了多種不一樣的香草或是水果,光是打開盒子選茶包就是一種很舒服、放鬆的體驗,更不用說茶湯的顏色跟香氣,不論是想要捧著書本的下午,或是窩在沙發上的夜晚都很適合來上一杯,




[筆記] 20130904 -「30兩岸青年創新論壇」

版權係屬原創作者所有 | I don't own this picture.
官方網站: http://www.30.com.tw/event/2013forum/index.html



時間:2013.9.4(三)。下午 13:30-16:45,13:00開放入場