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2014年12月15日 星期一

[筆記] Glossary on paper restoration 紙張修復詞彙表


Over 400 specialist terms on paper conservation and restoration are listed in English, German, Chinese and Korean. The 3 main aspects of the guide are a book’s structure, material and tools and book binding and conservation. A missing word means that in one language there is no adequate translation known. Some illustrations and explanations are added for better understanding.
超過400個關於書籍和紙張修復的專有名詞,收錄英文、德文、中文、韓文等四種相關詞條對照。內容主要針對三項要點:(一)書本的結構、材質(二)工具、(三)書本的裝訂及保存。Missing word代表在該語言中,目前沒有相對應的詞彙可供翻譯使用。除文字說明外,尚有部分圖示以協助讀者理解其內容。

Readers can check words by content and category, or look up chapter and page number of words from the index.

