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By Rovering, I don't mean aimless wandering. I mean finding your way by pleasant paths with a definite object in view, and having an idea of the difficulties and dangers you are likely to meet by the way. -BP
Kurrent 字體 (By Deutsche_Kurrentschrift.jpg: AndreasPraefckederivative work: Martin Kozák (Deutsche_Kurrentschrift.jpg) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons) |
Screenshot from |
Screenshot from |
Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive.
Both men and women should feel free to be strong.
It is time that we all see gender as a spectrum, instead of two sets of opposing ideals.
We should stop defining each other by what we are not, and start defining ourselves by who we are.
Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive,
Both men and women should feel free to be strong.
If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by what we are—we can all be freer and this is what HeForShe is about. It’s about freedom.
Mammut Store vs. Globetrotter |
Jack Wolfskin專賣店位置 vs. Globetrotter |
"When you forgive, you in no way change the past – but you sure do change the future."
– Bernard Meltzer, Radio Host |
Image from Internet |
Photo from Spiegel |
Foto von FAZ | |
Picture from here |
A hat tip, or chapeau as they say in real life France, is a way to give credit where credit is due.
The shortened version, HT, acknowledges a little bit of someone else's genius, and save one whole character over typing "via" or "by".
That's what we'd tell you HT means on Twitter, anyway. According to in the early 20th centuries, a hat tip was "a common non-verbal greeting between friends or acquaintances while walking on a sidewalk or meeting at a social gathering." You know, when people used to wear hats all the time.
Now it's the head nod.
On Twitter, a HT is a new gateway into bylining a Tweet. Instead of taking credit for the Tweet, quote, idea or article, you add HT to your Tweet and suddenly you're absolved from stealing the credit. It's also a nice way to pass around the Twitter karma. You say I'm smart, I'll say you're smart, we'll all be smart together and host a Tweet-up!
What does HT mean on Twitter?
HT is an acronym for Heard Through or Hat Tip. If you found out about something through a Twitter user, and you want to name ‘em by name, you Heard it Through them. This is different than RT, because it usually means you heard it in real life, not over Twitter.
Abbreviation for "hat tip". Frequently used in blog postings to indicate the gratitude of the poster towards someone who drew his attention to or provided him with information relevant to the post.
I've just discovered that the Illuminati were behind the 9/11 attacks!!
(ht jack t chick). Lillian Ling - originally posted to Flickr as Korean tinned drink |
Hair Haus Repair Heat Protect Spray (Image Link) | |
Networking 對於你來說,是一個可以謙遜請教建議和資源的契機;networking 對於學長姊來說,是一個往下傳承、回饋母校、幫助他人的機會。每個成功的學長姊背後,都有拉他們一把的人,因此他們會想把這樣的互助精神傳承下去。
從學生進入職場,變化最大的不是有薪水或是生活作息的改變,而是意識到你的行為開始造成對他人的影響(of consequence)。
Almost every musicians want this from 9GAG | | |
Der Panda in Köln © WWF |
"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world." - Ludwig Wittgenstein (Photo Link) |
“I think each language has a certain way of seeing the world. If you speak one language then you have a different way of analyzing and interpreting the world than the speaker of another language does. Even if they’re really closely-related languages such as Spanish and Portuguese, which are to a certain extent mutually intelligible, they are at the same time two different worlds – two different mindsets.我認為每一種語言都帶有它自己的世界觀,所以作為一種語言的使用者就代表你具有和另外一種語言使用者不同的分析和理解世界的方式。
“Therefore, having learned other languages and been surrounded by other languages, I couldn’t possibly choose only one language because it would mean really renouncing the possibility to be able to see the world in a different way. Not in one way, but in many different ways. So the monolingual lifestyle, for me, is the saddest, the loneliest, the most boring way of seeing the world. There are so many advantages of learning a language; I really can’t think of any reason not to.”所以在學習了不同語言,並生活在被不同語言包圍的環境下,我再也沒有辦法選擇只使用單一語言生活,因為那將表示我放棄看到世界另一樣貌的機會,而且我放棄的不僅僅是一種觀點,而是許許多多其他觀點!因此單一語言的生活型態對我來說是最悲哀、最孤單、最無聊的處世方式。學習語言有這麼多好處,我真的無法想到任何不學的理由。
Image: Tsan Yu Hsieh |
Image: Tsan Yu Hsieh (畢業展) |